Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"We Can't Drill Our Way Out of This"

That's what liberals say while pleading with Arab potentates to "help us by drilling their way out of this." How ignorant do they think we are? Do they think we don't know about this? Or that we don't understand what they're doing? How ignorant are THEY? Don't they know how we GET oil in the first place? We DRILL for it, if they let us. But they don't LET us. They make laws and regulations that make drilling AND refining almost impossible, then blame the VICTIM, the oil companies, and want to "take them over" and/or tax what profits they DO make, ignoring the fact that the government made more than THEY did, without any investment of their own. A "global warming swindler," Dr. Johnson (the very man who STARTED the "global warming swindle, before AlGore, even!) now wants to put oil executives IN JAIL for "lying" about global warming, for telling us the TRUTH about their swindle. Where the hell does he get the gonads to do this? I thought AlGore had "big ones" to call those who disagreed with his swindle "global warming deniers." But this really "takes the cake." I agree with one of the commenters on this web site: "We ought to put "left-wing weather scientists on trial for "high crimes against humanity and nature." (Freep)

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