Wednesday, June 25, 2008

They're Getting Frightened!

School "officials are getting very frightened by the fact that home schooled children are routinely outperforming public school children in every way possible. So now they're trying to force home schooling parents to get "teaching credentials" and "follow the same rules" as public school teachers do." Which means teaching what they're TOLD to teach, which, of course, means "conditioning" their children to believe that collectivism is better than individualism and that socialism is the best way to govern (which, of course, is why public school students learn nothing). In Germany, there's a prosecutor who took a home-school parent to court and obtained a conviction and a $1,500 fine. But he wasn't satisfied. He brought them back to court and demanded they be JAILED. That tells me they're "scared to death" that home-schooled children are successfully bypassing the public school "conditioning factories" and they just can't have that. (Los Angeles Times)

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