Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ignore What Doesn't Agree With You

Have you noticed that liberals (Democrats) simply ignore figures that do not agree with their fanciful notions? Like the fact that al-Qaida is "on the run" in Iraq and the number of deaths for our soldiers in Iraq are fewer than are killed in Detroit every month? Didn't hear about that in the liberal media, huh? You ain't agonna hear it, either. The only place you're gonna hear the truth is here, or some other "alternative media." You know, the places the liberals tell you aren't to be trusted, while they lie to you every day? One place they're doing it is in retail sales. They've jumped by large margins. But do you hear about it in the liberal media? They talk a lot about how low ":home starts" are, but completely ignore the fact that commercial construction is at record-setting numbers. You won't hear it from them, either, because they want you to think America is "soup lines" and "unemployment," and that the "average American" can't afford a home. Sheesh! (Yahoo News)

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