Sunday, June 8, 2008

Ray's Shorts

These are items of OPINION, for which I often don't have URLs to use for documentation and which are usually too short to be a headlined item. When I can, I'll include any URLs I have, or give you an idea where to look. . . . "SETTLED LAW:" That's a term I hear bandied about a lot lately, mostly by Democrats who are frightened to death that they won't be able to kill the result of unprotected sex any longer or AlGore's disciples, who fear people will find out they're frauds. But there IS no such thing as "settled law." ANY law can be overturned, at any time, by the Supreme Court if it is unconstitutional. Let's get real, folks! . . . THEN GET OUT! Gwyneth Paltrow says she doesn't want to live in America. So what. The next plane out of the country is leaving in a few minutes. Be on it! Composer Burt Bacharach, who hates Bush with a passion, can go with her. . . . CLINTON'S "LEGACY": Everybody, including people on the right, say Bill Clinton "doesn't have a "legacy." I maintain that he does. His legacy is that he taught America's teenagers that, "oral sex is not sex." I maintain that when you put your penis, or even your tongue into someone's body orifice and an orgasm is the result, it IS SEX. If you can get a sexually-transmitted disease as a result, it IS sex. Nature does not recognize Clinton's claim. . . . STARBUCKS SPENDS MORE ON HEALTH CARE THAN ON COFFEE: You'd think they're selling health care instead of coffee. Any company that spends more on health care than they do on what they're selling is stupid -- and liberal. . . . NOT ENOUGH FAILURE: That's one complaint liberals have advanced against Supreme Court Chief Justice nominee John Roberts; that his life demonstrated an APPALLING LACK OF FAILURE! I guess that's not unexpected, since failure is a requirement for liberals. They think you have to fail in order to succeed. How absurd. How stupid! . . . KENNEDY NOT QUALIFIED: As I watch Sen. Teddy (The Swimmer) Kennedy questioning Supreme Court nominee John Roberts in the confirmation hearings, it strikes me that Teddy should have long since been relegated to the sidelines, if not prison for killing that girl through his indifference to her life in swimming back to his hotel and going to bed while she drowned instead of calling for help and his carelessness in driving off that bridge in the first place. He should not ever be allowed to question his betters on ANYTHING. . . . CRIPPLING TABOR: The TABOR Amendment in Colorado simply says the politicians must ASK PERMISSION before voting on more spending, and that they must RETURN money they haven't spent to the taxpayer. They've been trying to emasculate TABOR ever since it was passed, and if they pass Proposition C (so they get to KEEP overtaxation money), they will have done it (They DID it). They SAY it does not represent a tax increase, but if it passes (it did), they get to KEEP tax money that would have been returned under TABOR for the last five years. That might amount to 3.5 BILLION dollars they'll get to spend. If that isn't a tax increase, I'll kiss your keester in public and give you a half hour to draw a crowd. They make a big thing about the fact that it will only last 5 years. But guess what will happen then? Renewal time! There is no such thing as a temporary tax, of ANY kind. . . . WHEW! IT WAS JUST INCOMPETENCE! Los Angeles heaved a sigh of relief when they found out their massive blackout was not caused by terrorists, but by simple incompetence. Workers accidentally cut SEVERAL main power lines. Sheesh! . . . CLOONEY "MAD" AT NEWS MAX: He hates being included in the News Max "Deck of Weasels" for his comments about politics, notably about the Iraq war. But who cares about what George Clooney is mad about?

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