Saturday, June 28, 2008

Washington, DC Gun Ban

You can now own a gun in Washington, DC, but you'd better keep it at home because the Supreme Court decision didn't change that, or any of the other "reasonable regulation" of guns in this nation; only a BAN on gun ownership. The decision said, " No government has the right to mandate that. "Undoubtedly, some think the Second Amendment is outmoded in our society, where our standing army is the pride of our nation, where well trained police forces provide personal security and where gun violence is a serious problem. That is perhaps debatable. But what is not debatable is that it is not the role of this court to pronounce the Second Amendment extinct. [It cannot. -RT] We affirm the judgment of the Court of Appeals. It is so ordered." American citizens can now OWN a gun for self-protection. "It is so ordered." Frankly, with some of the "reasonable restrictions" I've seen, such as the "gun lock" that allows the illegally armed criminal to kill you while you're trying to get your gun lock open are killing people, as are most of the other "reasonable restrictions" on gun ownership. The fact is, "gun laws" are killing people, right and left, and need to be changed. This decision is nothing but a "good start." (Rush Limbaugh)

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