Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Nobody Cares

AlGore must be in tears. ABC did a poll recently that showed "nobody cares" about "man-made global warming," except for him and those he has conned into believing his lies. Even many of those won't do anything about it because it's just not very important to them. Yes, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of corporations who have "knuckled under" to Al and his disciples, but that's just because he has extorted them well. "ABC and the Washington Post polled Americans about the most important issue to them in the upcoming elections. The economy ranked #1 with 41% [Mostly because people are rightly afraid the Democrats will mess it up. -RT], Iraq #2 with 18% [People are afraid the Democrats are going to lose yet another war we are winning. -RT], Health Care #3 with 7% [They've seen all the failing "national health plans and they don't work. -RT], Terrorism/National Security #4 with 5% [Hell, the Democrats won't even admit there IS a "terrorist problem. -RT], Immigration and Ethics followed with 4% [People know nothing will change here under Democrats. -RT], Education and Morals with 2% [The same here. -RT], Environment and Global Warming continue to receive a 0%. ZERO percent! And AlGore says it's the most important thing facing us! Maybe it is to his pocketbook, which has become noticeably fatter because of it. (ABC Poll)

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