Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Blame "Big Oil" For YOUR Mistakes

Then "take it over." That seems to be the scam now working in Congress. It is "regulations" and laws fomented by this and earlier congresses that CAUSED the "oil crunch" that led to the increasing gasoline prices, yet some congressmen want to "take over" the oil companies so they can run them to suit themselves and screw it up even more. THEY mandated no drilling offshore, and made drilling ANYWHERE nearly impossible. At the same time, THEY made restrictions so tight that we haven't been able to build a new oil refinery in more than THIRTY YEARS. That GUARANTEED that the oil production in this country would go WAY down. Now that it has, they blame "big oil" and want to "take them over." What could be stupider than that? Put the management in the hands of the very people who screwed everything up in the first place? Sheesh! How stupid ARE we? They also want to TAKE the supposed "excess profits" the oil companies have been making (forgetting entirely that the GOVERNMENT made even MORE without investment of time OR money ($30 million taxes vs. $28 million oil company profits, dwarfed by other businesses). What FOOLS do they take us for? What FOOLS are they? What they want is a new "power grab," it's as simple as that. (The Washington Examiner)

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