Monday, October 12, 2020

They'll Never Accept It

That cop’s knee on his neck did not kill George Floyd. He died of an overdose of drugs he took to hide evidence from the cops. The knee probably didn’t help him very much, but he killed himself in his effort to hide the evidence from the cops. But you’ll never get to change the narrative the anti-cop fools have put out, no matter how many times this is proven. Their minds are made up, so don’t confuse them with facts. Similarly, Brianna Taylor was NOT just “an innocent bystander” when she was shot to death by the cops during their raid. She and her boyfriend were BOTH involved in the drugs and gun trade and the cops didn’t shoot anybody before her boyfriend shot a cop. But again, you won’t ever be able to change the narrative put out by the cop haters. They’ve made up their minds and that’s sealed in stone. That’s always the way of it with such people. They believe what they want to believe without regard to the real facts. It’s an old technique: pick something that happened, lie about it, twist the narrative to suit yourself, and continue to insist on your version of events, even after they have been proven to be wrong. And that too often works. (Just common sense)

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