Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Cops Aren't the Problem

The problem is the CRIMINALS. And we need the cops to keep the criminals and other malcontents in check. Without the cops the law-breakers will “go wild” and take whatever they want, because they don’t care about such things as rights. They take what they want, and they make sure they have the tools they need to accomplish that. Like guns and explosives. Without fear of the cops, they will just walk right up to your door and take what they want, which is everything you have of value, because they know they have the “upper hand.” Even the Minneapolis City Council that has stated that they are going to disband their cops know they need armed security, so they use YOUR MONEY to hire it. For themselves, not for you. Yes, there are one or two “bad apples” among the 99% “good cops” out there, and there needs to be ways to “weed them out.” But disbanding a necessary defense is NOT the answer, and those who think so are imbeciles. (Just common sense)

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