Monday, October 5, 2020

"Systemic Racism"

BLM is right. There IS “systemic racism” in this country. But it is not the kind they envision. It is now racism against WHITES. And BLM is CREATING it. Think about it. How many people have said all BLACK images of Jesus Christ should be torn down? BLM is literally CREATING that racism, and liberals everywhere are helping them. Politicians in one Oregon county have openly said “whites only” MUST wear masks. Some black customers in a restaurant paid their bill and left a not saying, “We don’t tip white people.” This in a restaurant that doesn’t pay its wait staff, and they DEPEND on their tips for ANY payment. Some black college students are demanding separate living quarters and their colleges are allowing it. A black NASCAR driver (the only one in the top tier) finds what LOOKS like a noose in his garage, and will not accept the FBI’s finding that iyt was there since last fall, well BEFORE the garage was assigned to him. Racism against blacks is ASSUMED in many places, by many people, on the thinnest evidence. In one case, a man was cracking his knuckles at a stop light, somebody said he was “flashing a white power symbol” with his fingers, and he was summarily fired. Yes, there IS “systematic racism” in this country, but it is against WHITES. And it is being consciously CREATED by liberals, for their own purposes. (Just common sense)

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