Friday, October 2, 2020

Breakdown in Civil Order

It’s a dark day in our history the day the cops started charging people with a crime for defending themselves and their property, as they’ve done recently in multiple cases, including that St. Louis couple who used their guns to stop “demonstrators” (translation: rioters) from assaulting them and burning their house down as they said they would do as they trespassed on their property. It’s the last vestiges of civilization when self defense becomes a crime. It is similarly wrong when they charge a 17-year-old kid with murder for shooting two thugs bent on killing him. Then there’s that case where rioters were “all over” two guys in a truck, and they didn’t arrest the rioters, they arrested the occupants of the truck on gun charges for defending themselves. It has always been a “rule of law” that deadly force is legal if the victim fears for his life. When that goes away, we’re all finished. And from all appearances, it’s going away under “liberal leadership.” (Just common sense)

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