Friday, October 23, 2020

"Polls Show Biden Leading"

But reality intervenes. If he’s leading, especially by the double digits claimed, why can’t he draw a crowd? If Trump is so far behind, why does he regularly draw massive crowds? Frankly, I think the polls are rigged to make it LOOK like Biden is leading when he is nowhere near leading. The purpose being to draw as much more money as they can from gullible liberals, to keep him in the lead. We have to remember that Hillary was also “leading in the polls’ at this point, and she LOST. It that doesn’t tell you something about the polls, nothing will. He hides in his basement, and berates reporters who ask the natural questions. Then he tells more than half the voters NOT to vote for him. He makes regular announcements that might have come from the Trump camp, about how he will raise taxes, cancel Trump’s tax reduction, destroy several essential industries, and bankrupt this country if elected. He sometimes can’t figure out where he is, or what office he’s running for. He can’t even answer a few questions in a news conference without a teleprompter. I don’t think he expects to win, nor does he want to, but is being pushed into it by the Dumbocrat “intelligentsia,” I’m in his age range, and I wouldn’t want to be saddled with the pressure of the presidency, and I don’t think he does, either. I’m “tired,” and I think he is, too. (The Blaze)

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