Friday, October 23, 2020

"Good Guy With Gun"

Anti-gun fools confidently tell you that the “good guy with a gun” thing is something that’s only in the imaginations of pro-gun people. Then a guy enters a known “gun-free zone” on a WalMart parking lot and kills his former wife and her new boyfriend. Whether or not he intended to kill any more people there is not known, because a legal concealed carrier was there with his gun, also violating Walmart “policy,” and it’s good he was, because he threw down on the killer, making him stop. Whereupon the killer turned the gun on himself, committing suicide, before anybody could stop him. Both men violated Walmart’s “policy” of not allowing guns on their property. They’ll probably ban this guy from entering their stores with his gun in the future. They’re short-sighted, that way. But this is a good example of one violation canceling out the other. If that “good guy” hadn’t been there with his gun, this murderer might have gotten away with a double murder—and we don’t want that. And this whole thing graphically shows the fallacy of Walmart’s “gun-free zone” policy on their property, which makes their customers and staff vulnerable to such people. (Gun Watch)

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