Monday, October 26, 2020

Murdering Babies: Constitutional?

Abortion is murder. It stills a beating heart. It matters not if that infant has passed through the vaginal canal to be born. That infant is ALIVE. Until an abortionist stabs it in the head and kills it, often finally removing it in pieces, to sell those pieces illegally. Illegally? Why not? Murder is illegal, and they have already committed murder on a defenseless little infant, at its parents’ wish. The Supreme Court just struck down a restrictive Louisiana law that would have closed down the clinics in that state. We’re told that the Constitution upholds a “woman’s right to control what happens to her body.” Which is WRONG. If that were true, there would be no laws against prostitution. They have twisted the 4th Amendment out of shape to support this absurd contention. Abortion is our equivalent of the Germans “watching from the sidelines” as Hitler murder millions of Jews in WWII. It’s out holocaust, as we watch abortionists murder millions of defenseless infants, therefore committing infanticide. The justices, judges, and politicians who have allowed this should be imprisoned, and even some executed for murder and infanticide. Abortion is the worst kind of evil. (Human Life International)

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