Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Self Defense Now Illegal?

It used to be that self defense was sacrosanct. You could kill somebody in self defense, and filing charges against you was not even considered. Now things are different. A 17-year-old boy was defending some private property when he was attacked by several “demonstrators” (rioters) who were bent on destroying the business he was defending and killing him in the process, and he would up killing two of them and wounding a third. A clear case of self defense, right? WRONG! At least in the eyes of the local fool prosecutor, who has charged him with two counts of murder and one of attempted murder. Never mind he was in fear for his life. That falls on “deaf ears” with that fool prosecutor. In St. Louis, a mob broke a gate into a private residence while telling the owners they were going to kill them and burn down their house. Normally, those people would be justified in killing them in self defense. Instead, they merely showed them a couple of guns and that “ran them off,” preventing more violence. Only a fool would file any charges against them. Right? WRONG! That fool was in the local prosecutor’s office and he is charging them with menacing. Never mind they were defending themselves and their property from a murderous mob. When self defense becomes unlawful, we’ve lost a lot, and are going to lose more, as violent mobs take a message from these instances and “go wild,” depending on fool prosecutors to charge the wrong people. (Just common sense)

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