Friday, October 2, 2020

"Cuties" Offends Me

Netflix has always “pushed the envelope.” but this time they’ve ripped the envelope right up. I’m not a prude. I like women as much as the next guy. Women. Not flat-chested children. When a young, almost flat-chested girl in this movie struts around and shows her breasts, that offends me, and not from a biblical standpoint, from a human standpoint. What the hell ever moved the Netflix executives to ever produce, much less distribute such a film, distresses me. What were they THINKING? Netflix swears there is no underage sex in this movie. Which tells me they looked carefully for girls that LOOKED like they were underage, which is just as bad. I have to ask myself: what market were they making this movie for? The only market for this film is pedophiles, who are probably drooling over this film. For my part, they can go drool somewhere else. I give Netflix ten thumbs down over this film. I hope it stays on the shelf, never to be distributed. But in this day and age, that probably won’t happen. (The Blaze)

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