Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Another Trump Victory!

Amy Conley Barrett has been CONFIRMED to be a member of the Supreme Court, thus scotching the schemes of the Dumbocrats, who have used that Court for years to “get around” the Constitution and get things done they could not get done in the Congress. So now the Supreme Court will make decisions based ON the Constitution, as iT is SUPPOSED to do, not on the whims of Dumbocrat Justices. Some Justices, in the past, have even based their rulings on FOREIGN LAW, which is ILLEGAL. Justices who rule on ANYTHING but the Constitutional directives should be impeached--or however they can be removed. One of their very worst rulings, in Roe V. Wade, was responsible for the MURDERS of millions of innocent, defenseless babies, for the “crime” of being the result of their parents not using birth control. That ruling was based on a twisted reading of the Constitution that a woman should be able to say what happens to her own body. If that were so, prostitution would not be illegal. The Justices swore an oath, as ALL Justices do, to PROTECT the Constitution, not usurp it. And those who violate that oath, as do most of the Dumbocrat Justices have, should be able to be removed, for cause. (YAHOO)

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