Friday, October 30, 2020

Why NOT Joe Biden?

Joe Biden is his own worst enemy. He hides in his basement, rather than campaign most of the time, and when he does venture out, he gives us one or two reasons NOT to vote for him. Raising taxes is a “death knell” for politicians, so most of them deny they will then, after they’re elected, raise taxes. Not Joe. He tells us frankly (and has done so many times) that he is not only going to repeal all of Trump’s tax reductions, he is going to raise taxes further. Other politicians promise not to mess with the Second Amendment. Again, not Joe. He is a classic anti-gun fool and has promised to “come for your guns.” And to prove it, he has promised to appoint Beto, a virulent anti-gun fool who actually said, “Yes, we’re coming for your guns.” as his “gun czar” to do it. And knowing the country wants nothing whatever to do with Barack Obama, the worst president in the history of America, he promised to appoint Obama to the Supreme Court.

Then he promises to destroy the oil industry, which is an essential industry to our survival, without anything viable to replace it. And, even though he has denied banning Fracking one day and saying he’s going to ban it the next, it is something the WILL do, since banning fracking is a Dumbocrat “wet dream.” He has also promised to destroy the coal industry, another industry essential to our survival—which also means the destruction of the electric power industry, which uses coal to generate electricity. He picked the worst possible running mate in picking Kamala Harris, the most corrupt and furthest left woman in government. A woman who slept her way ton the top and is probably still doing it (leopards don’t change their spots and what works works). Lastly, he is too old. He likely won’t live to finish his first term Kamila will see to it, and we’ll get that corrupt strumpet as out first woman president. ‘Nuff said. (Just common sense)

It Just Doesn't Matter

Anti-cop fools will “demonstrate” (riot) ANY time a cop kills a black man, claiming that black man was unarmed, even when video evidence exists showing not only that the black man was armed, but was about to attempt to use his gun on the cop. Then more anti-cop fools will whine and cry about that black man and try (sometimes successfully) to make him a martyr in their efforts to defund or eliminate the cops, altogether. I would say I don’t know what their purpose in trying to get rid of the cops is, but I do know. They’re criminals, or wannabe criminals, and they see this as a way to paint good cops as bad, and use that to get rid of the police altogether, so they can commit their crimes without worrying about those pesky cops being on their trail. Anybody who pushes shutting down the police is either a criminal or a fool, or both.

Politicians who join them are either undercover criminals or just stupid. Because when the cops are gone, chaos reigns, and it’s only the dirtiest, nastiest bullies who win. It then becomes the “wild west atmosphere” the anti-gun fools say will happen if more honest people have guns—discounting and ignoring the millions of ILLEGAL guns there are already out there in the hands of lawbreakers. So any time a police shooting of a criminal happens, and they claim the victim was unarmed, please find out the truth before breaking up other people’s property and burning out innocent people. (The Blaze)

Total. Complete. Ignorance

I can’t believe there are actually politicians who take defunding or abolishing the police seriously. That has to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of. When you throw out the baby’s bath water, you take the baby out first. Yes, there are a few “bad apples” in some police departments. That is no reason to get rid of the police completely. They are your protectors. The only reason the lawbreakers don’t “run all over you.” One of the stupidest things you can do is to get rid of an essential service without having something to effectively replace it. And the only effective replacement for the police is an armed force with the same powers under a different name. Which just gives a new body of people the same powers as the police have. Without that, society is doomed. And anybody smart enough to be elected to run the government needs to be smart. Those who actually want to get rid of the police do not meet that requirement and should not be in office. People who actively work to get rid of the police are either criminals or stupid politicians. Nobody with any degree of intelligence wants to get rid of the people who actively protect them from criminals and their ILLEGAL guns. (Just common sense)

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Defunding Our Protectors

Some extremist Dumbocrats want nothing more than to defund our protectors in as many ways as they can so they can, along with the other criminals, victimize us without worrying about being caught and put in prison—or worse. Many of them want to defund the police, putting us at the mercy of the criminals, crazies, and now Islamic terrorists. And our own politicians. Then, to compound the disaster, they want to defund the prison system and release millions of convicted criminals to prey on us some more. Now Dumbocrat candidate Cory Bush has shown her amazing ignorance by suggesting we defund the PENTAGON! it’s like Dumbocrats are vying for the label “stupid fool” to be attached to them. I don’t know what some of these fools are smoking, but if I were a junkie I’d certainly want some. But gullible liberals keep electing these fools to office and then wonder why this country if “going to hell in a handbasket of their own making.” Worse yet, those of us with functioning brains have to live under the rules they make after liberals get them elected. They’re good at conning people into electing them, but they’re lousy at governing. (Conservative Newsroom)

This Can't Be Spontaneous!

Every night, somewhere, there is a riot with looting, burning, much destruction of personal property, and violence if anybody gets in the way of the rioters, most of which are ANTIFA or BLM. It has to be orchestrated and financed by somebody. George Soros, maybe? Somebody better wake up to the fact that these two bunches of criminals are all part of “the resistance,” which is dedicated to removing President Trump from office and establishing a socialist government, which will devolve, over time, into a communist government. Soon America will resemble the old Soviet Union, with the government controlling everything, and imprisoning or killing those who oppose them. Liberal politicians need to wake up and start arresting and imprisoning everybody who can be identified as part of either of these bunches of thugs, for BEING part of these bunches of thugs (sedition). Put them away for a long time, and convince others that rioting and looting will not be tolerated, anywhere, any time. If they don’t take such action, they are going to be overrun and we will lose the best form of government yet to be invented. We will then be living in a dictatorship. (Just common sense)

Gun-Grabbers Piling On

It’s what they do. Regardless of facts, they always do the same thing. Any time somebody fires a gun at somebody else, even if it’s in self defense, or a police action to protect us all, the anti-gun fools scream for more of the same useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws to be made. Never mind they not only do nothing to stop, or even slow down “gun crime,” they make it worse, by disarming the law-abiding, so they are defenseless against the lawbreakers, who just ignore their insipid laws. I really get tired of writing these same words over and over again, while being roundly ignored by the anti-gun fools. The Saugus killings, for instance: numerous laws were violated by the killer, and the shooting happened in a state with very strict anti-gun laws, already on the books, that were useless to stop this killer. “What the Saugus High School shooting may underscore, according to gun rights activists, is the failure of strict Golden State gun control laws. It’s against the law to have a gun on a school campus, illegal for a teen to be carrying a concealed handgun, illegal for a minor to have a handgun and for anyone to obtain a firearm without a background check in California. It’s also against the law to shoot people and commit murder. None of these restrictions prevented the Santa Clarita tragedy.” But anti-gun fools, true to form, are jumping up and down, demanding all kinds of anti-gun laws be “piled on top of” existing laws—which do NOTHING to stop such tragedies. For instance, they demand “assault weapons bans,” when assault weapons did not enter into the killings. Just common sense)

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Democrats: A Criminal Party

Has anybody noticed that the violence and death dealt out by ANTIFA and BLM are only to Trump supporters? Nobody goes out and commits violence to support the Republican Party position or President Trump. There hasn’t been a single instance of a Trump supporter walking up to a Biden supporter and punching him (or her) in the face, knocking two teeth out as they did at one police support rally recently. Dumbocrats have PROMISED much violence and looting, and burning of private property if Trump wins. They know they can’t win on the issues so they try their best to make us AFRAID not to vote them back into power. It's voter intimidation at its worst, and all in favor of the Dumbocrats.

These are the actions of a CRIMINAL, not a “respectable political party.” So that’s why I call them a “criminal party.” If the Dumbocrats get back in power, we’re lost. They have promised to enact things that are inimical to the interest of Americans and will BANKRUPT us. They are economics ignorant. They have no idea what they’re doing when it comes to governing. They just want the power to tell us what to do, and they’re willing to KILL to accomplish it. Don’t believe that? Look at the killings that HAVE occurred. Were the killers Trump supporters, or were they Biden supporters? Were the victims Biden supporters? Or were they Trump supporters? You be the judge. (Just common sense)

Yes, They're That Stupid

In Oklahoma, at First Union Baptist Church, they put up signs that might as well say, “We’re defenseless. Come on in and kill us.” Actually, what they say is, “We are a gun-free zone.” Churches all over the state are following suit, as they rush to make sure their parishioners are totally defenseless if a gunman comes in to kill a few of them. It’s the usual stupid response to “gun violence.” Make yourself defenseless against the lawless, who ignore such signs and bring their guns, anyway. Anti-gun fools bemoan the very idea of several people in the congregation “packing,” as if they are going to bring their legal guns and those legal guns are going to kill a few people. Lost on them is the whole idea that it is the ILLEGAL guns that are the problem, not those legally owned. That the way to self defense is NOT to disarm yourself. The lawless will bring their guns there, anyway, no matter what those stupid signs say. They might as well post “No Wolves” signs on a sheep ranch. The wolves aren’t going to pay any more attention than will the lawless, if they want to bring their guns.(Just Common Sense)

"They Failed: Do More"

The background check laws did nothing to prevent three mass shootings in a few days in gun-controlled California, so perennial presidential candidate Joe Biden wants to do more of them, there, and elsewhere. Joe is yet another damned fool politician who wants to keep making those useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws that do nothing but make it easier for the lawbreakers to victimize the law-abiding, who obey them. Criminals who have been asked freely brag that they fully support anti-gun laws because they make it easier for them to rob and kill people because they can be pretty sure they will be unarmed and defenseless, for the most part because of those stupid laws. People like Biden have to know that those laws are useless to control “gun crime,” because criminals just ignore them, and get their guns illegally. I’m repeating myself a lot when I write about this, because those politicians, AND the anti-gun fools who pressure them into passing those useless laws should know they don’t work, but they keep insisting on the passage of more and more of them, which only INCREASES “gun crime” by making the law-abiding defenseless. (Breitbart)

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Clarification of Gun Laws

Some time ago I posted an item entitled, “Gun Control Is A Crime.” The article listed clarifies the laws that have been made and is worth reading. But I notice the early emphasis is on the age of people buying guns. Yes, children don’t need guns today as they did 150 years ago. Then, just about every child from about age 9 had a rifle taller than he (or she) was. And that child could “bark a squirrel from a long way off. It was necessary then because they were expected to supply food for the table. They did not go out and “shoot up the landscape” just because they had a gun. That is not needed today, so children are not allowed to have guns. But my objection is that the anti-gun fools want to make children completely gun ignorant. They want to eliminate ALL references to guns in a child’s knowledge. This is a mistake. Ignorance breeds curiosity. A child who knows absolutely nothing about real guns will be curious about them and they WILL find them. That’s how children kill other children. Through ignorance and curiosity. I remember when I was a child finding my dad’s gun in his closet, taking it out, and playing with it like it was a cap gun.

I didn’t know any better. fortunately he didn’t keep it loaded so I didn’t accidentally kill anybody. But had I KNOWN about guns that would never have happened. I say gun laws are criminal because most of them are designed to make them impossible to get into action fast enough to deal with a criminal and his ILLEGAL gun—which gets people killed. They all are in violation of the Second Amendment, since all of them INFRINGE upon that constitutionally guaranteed right. And they can ONLY apply to LEGAL guns, not the millions of ILLEGAL guns already out there. The key is education, which the anti-gun fools want to prevent—and that’s my main objection. Real “common sense laws” I have to objection to, but most of them are NOT “common sense,” since they don’t work the way they’re supposed to work. They prevent NO “gun crime.” They only get people killed by disarming the law abiding in the face of the threat from ILLEGAL gun owners. (Gun Forest)

Where Are the "Demonstrators?"

Thugs “demonstrate” (riot, loot, burn, do violence) nowadays every time a cop has to kill an out-of-control black man who is trying to kill them, regardless of the fact he IS trying to kill them and they gave him lots of warning, demanding he drop his weapons many times before shooting him. Never mind the facts, “demonstrate!” riot) to “prove your illegitimate point.” So if that criminal is successful in killing a cop, here are “demonstrations?” Nowhere, of course. Demonstrators about a criminal killing a cop won’t advance your narrative that cops “go out every day looking for a black man to kill.” So you ignore it. You are so transparent that only other BLM fools believe what you’re selling, so you can make it LOOK LIKE the cops are the problem. They are not. They are the solution to the problem, which frightens you, and is the reason you want to defund them. So they can’t apprehend you and put you in prison for your crimes. Oh. I forgot. You want to defund the prisons, too, so they won’t have a place to confine you for a time so you can’t victimize innocent people. (Just common sense)

Another Trump Victory!

Amy Conley Barrett has been CONFIRMED to be a member of the Supreme Court, thus scotching the schemes of the Dumbocrats, who have used that Court for years to “get around” the Constitution and get things done they could not get done in the Congress. So now the Supreme Court will make decisions based ON the Constitution, as iT is SUPPOSED to do, not on the whims of Dumbocrat Justices. Some Justices, in the past, have even based their rulings on FOREIGN LAW, which is ILLEGAL. Justices who rule on ANYTHING but the Constitutional directives should be impeached--or however they can be removed. One of their very worst rulings, in Roe V. Wade, was responsible for the MURDERS of millions of innocent, defenseless babies, for the “crime” of being the result of their parents not using birth control. That ruling was based on a twisted reading of the Constitution that a woman should be able to say what happens to her own body. If that were so, prostitution would not be illegal. The Justices swore an oath, as ALL Justices do, to PROTECT the Constitution, not usurp it. And those who violate that oath, as do most of the Dumbocrat Justices have, should be able to be removed, for cause. (YAHOO)

Monday, October 26, 2020

How Is It Possible?

The liberal news media polls all have Joe Biden leading President Trump. How is that even conceivable, let alone possible? Biden does little campaigning, and when he does have a rally, you have to search for enough people there to sardine for a picture of his “supporters.” Meanwhile, Trump does two or three rallies a day and you have to hunt in the long shots to find him, surrounded by thousands of his supporters. Trump has completely turned around the miserable economic numbers from the Obama administration. Under Trump, we went from Obama’s millions of Americans out of work to millions going BACK to work. Allowing fracking turned the oil business around, too. We went from begging people who hate us to let us import their oil at monumental prices to being oil independent, even becoming an oil exporter.

He has done so many good things for this country, I can’t even remember them all, let alone list them. Meanwhile, Biden is promising to RAISE your taxes, then denying it. Then he promises to destroy several ESSENTIAL industries with no viable replacement. He has nothing of a record to point to in almost 50 years in government without lying. He promises dictatorial actions once elected. He does a “lonely rally” where nobody attends while he stands at his lonely podium and speaks to nobody, or just a piddling few. Then goes home to his basement for a few more days. And the liberal media expects us to actually believe he’s leading? Gimme a break! If he does manage to win it will be a triumph of media malpractice. (Just common sense)

Murdering Babies: Constitutional?

Abortion is murder. It stills a beating heart. It matters not if that infant has passed through the vaginal canal to be born. That infant is ALIVE. Until an abortionist stabs it in the head and kills it, often finally removing it in pieces, to sell those pieces illegally. Illegally? Why not? Murder is illegal, and they have already committed murder on a defenseless little infant, at its parents’ wish. The Supreme Court just struck down a restrictive Louisiana law that would have closed down the clinics in that state. We’re told that the Constitution upholds a “woman’s right to control what happens to her body.” Which is WRONG. If that were true, there would be no laws against prostitution. They have twisted the 4th Amendment out of shape to support this absurd contention. Abortion is our equivalent of the Germans “watching from the sidelines” as Hitler murder millions of Jews in WWII. It’s out holocaust, as we watch abortionists murder millions of defenseless infants, therefore committing infanticide. The justices, judges, and politicians who have allowed this should be imprisoned, and even some executed for murder and infanticide. Abortion is the worst kind of evil. (Human Life International)

The Gun Control Fraud

Gun control is a fraud. Bigger even than the global warming fraud. There is not a single gun control law that ever stopped, or even slowed down, “gun crime.” In fact, gun control INCREASED the advent of “gun crime” by disarming the law-abiding, making them defenseless against the law-breakers, who just IGNORE their laws, get their guns illegally, carry them illegally, and use them to commit crimes. “Gun-fee zones” are the worst of them, because they do nothing to keep guns out of those areas, instead giving illegal gun holders an “engraved invitation” to “come in and shoot us.” Criminals freely admit that they SEEK OUT gun-free zones” in which to commit their gun crimes because they can be pretty sure the law-abiding will not be armed there and will thus be defenseless against their ILLEGAL guns.

Background checks MIGHT allow the cops to find the perpetrators of “gun crime,” after the crime has been committed, IF the gun used was legally-obtained, which it is usually NOT. Criminals don’t usually stand for background checks when they get their guns in a back alley somewhere, out of the car trunk belonging to an illegal gun dealer. Gun control laws only benefit crooked politicians who don’t want to meet a gun in the hand of their intended victim when they come to abuse him or take his property under color of the law. Unless they happen to try and victimize a criminal, who has an ILLEGAL gun. I get really tired of repeating myself and being ignored by the crooked politicians and deluded anti-gun fools who insist on getting more and more of those USELESS anti-gun laws passed. (Just common sense)

Friday, October 23, 2020

"Polls Show Biden Leading"

But reality intervenes. If he’s leading, especially by the double digits claimed, why can’t he draw a crowd? If Trump is so far behind, why does he regularly draw massive crowds? Frankly, I think the polls are rigged to make it LOOK like Biden is leading when he is nowhere near leading. The purpose being to draw as much more money as they can from gullible liberals, to keep him in the lead. We have to remember that Hillary was also “leading in the polls’ at this point, and she LOST. It that doesn’t tell you something about the polls, nothing will. He hides in his basement, and berates reporters who ask the natural questions. Then he tells more than half the voters NOT to vote for him. He makes regular announcements that might have come from the Trump camp, about how he will raise taxes, cancel Trump’s tax reduction, destroy several essential industries, and bankrupt this country if elected. He sometimes can’t figure out where he is, or what office he’s running for. He can’t even answer a few questions in a news conference without a teleprompter. I don’t think he expects to win, nor does he want to, but is being pushed into it by the Dumbocrat “intelligentsia,” I’m in his age range, and I wouldn’t want to be saddled with the pressure of the presidency, and I don’t think he does, either. I’m “tired,” and I think he is, too. (The Blaze)

"Only Racists Own Guns"

That remark was made by Dumbocrat former presidential candidate Pete, uh, Buttgurgle. Or is it Buttgaggle. I can never tell. Such a crack is ample evidence that Dumocrats simply want to control access to guns for ALL Americans so they can do what they want with them if they get elected to office by gullible voters. They will never be able to control access to ALL guns, but they don’t worry about that. The ones they can’t control are in the hands of lawbreakers, and they feel a definite kinship with them, since they are lawbreakers pretending to be the government. Slamming people who simply wish to be able to defend themselves against those lawbreakers is a common ploy used by would-be demagogues to “criminalize” a legal action. And having guns for self defense IS legal, and NOT racist. That is only true in the “fevered imagination” of such fools as ButtGiggle, and is used only as a means of demonizing those with whom he disagrees. Frankly, just making such a declaration shows a certain racism on his part. A racism that should never be allowed near the White House. We need to stop electing such people to office where they can make many attempts to usurp the Second amendment to the Constitution. Being against gun ownership should be a bar to being elected to anything, for our own safety. (The Moment)

"Good Guy With Gun"

Anti-gun fools confidently tell you that the “good guy with a gun” thing is something that’s only in the imaginations of pro-gun people. Then a guy enters a known “gun-free zone” on a WalMart parking lot and kills his former wife and her new boyfriend. Whether or not he intended to kill any more people there is not known, because a legal concealed carrier was there with his gun, also violating Walmart “policy,” and it’s good he was, because he threw down on the killer, making him stop. Whereupon the killer turned the gun on himself, committing suicide, before anybody could stop him. Both men violated Walmart’s “policy” of not allowing guns on their property. They’ll probably ban this guy from entering their stores with his gun in the future. They’re short-sighted, that way. But this is a good example of one violation canceling out the other. If that “good guy” hadn’t been there with his gun, this murderer might have gotten away with a double murder—and we don’t want that. And this whole thing graphically shows the fallacy of Walmart’s “gun-free zone” policy on their property, which makes their customers and staff vulnerable to such people. (Gun Watch)

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Can't Win With Words

So they turn to violence. At a “Free Speech Rally” in San Francisco, ANTIFA goons actually physically attacked the organizer of a pro-police rally as he approached the stage, shouting racist comments and knocking his teeth out. At one point, a Trump supporter was taken away with a leg injury. This, while protesting freedom of speech. The rally was canceled after the ANTIFA goons threw glass bottles containing unknown liquid, eggs, and other missiles at the stage, and the cops had to actually escort them to their cars, to protect them. Meanwhile, the cops made no arrests. Why they didn’t arrest the goon who knocked the organizer’s teeth out, I can’t fathom—unless they secretly were applauding his assault. It’s a sorry day when politics has descended to this level, and it is the Dumbocrat Party that is responsible. They created ANTIFA, and BLM. And it is these thugs who are committing all the violence. Trump supporters are always the victims; never an ANTIFA or BLM goon—yet. But their time will come. Trump supporters will not continue to be victims, without retaliation—and when that time comes, ANTIFA and BLM are in for much trouble. Trump supporters are not docile people. (The Blaze)

Stupid Politicians

In Swampscott, Mass (Where else but Massachusetts?), Selectman Barry Greenfield says we should make laws allowing cops to enter our homes to “make sure our guns are stored safely.” What a LOAD that is! Politicians like this should become FORMER politicians as soon as we can “make it so.” We did it to two of them in Colorado, and we’re looking at doing it to even more. Politicians like him should ever be allowed to make ANY laws for us, anywhere. Police are not legally authorized to do so because of that pesky Constitution. Like most fool politicians, he thinks we can just decide to disregard it. Current law in Swampscott makes guns impossible to get into action when a criminal with an ILLEGAL gun (who is under no such law because he doesn’t OBEY laws) comes in to threaten somebody now. He wants to make it even worse. Get RID of this fool NOW! (Opposing Views)

Why Are They So Stupid?

Gun control does not work. Everybody knows that. But anti-gun fools operate as if they didn’t know it, and by so doing, make it worse by disarming the law-abiding so they’re defenseless in the face of the illegal guns used by the lawless. You ask them why they continue to be so dense, and continue to insist on passing more and more of those useless, unenforceable anti-gun laws that don’t work, and you get no answer. They immediately start calling you names while ignoring your question. They can’t be that stupid, so what is their ultimate purpose? Outfits like the Presbyterians are simply dupes who have bought their garbage. The anti-gun fools are the ones to blame for all the “gun crime” that is rampant in our society, today.

They SAY it’s rampant, but it is actually going down. It’s not nearly the problem it was, because of the increase in the number of “carry permits” gained by the law-abiding. They don’t like that because it proves them wrong, every day, as “good guys with guns” even things out by killing many lawbreakers as they try to victimize them. The more legal guns there out there, the less those with illegal guns can successfully victimize then law-abiding, and they hate that. Almost all “gun crime” is committed by ILLEGAL guns, but all they want to do is get rid of LEGAL guns. I think the politicians are just frightened of those legally “carrying” because they count themselves as “kindred spirits with those lawbreakers. They’ll deny it, of course, but that’s what it is. They just don’t want to meet guns when they come to take what is yours. (Presbyterian Outlook)

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Don't Believe the Polls

They are uncommonly skewed in favor of the Dumbocrats, just by the way they are run. And they are easily skewed, or lied about. Those commissioning polls can dump results with which they don’t agree and just LIE about them because respondents are anonymous and can’t dispute them. And then there is just where they ask questions. If they take the poll in predominantly Dumbocrat territory, they will get the answers they want. That old saw about taking a poll in the lobby of the Dumbocrat Party building isn’t as far-fetched as you would imagine. Then there are the loaded questions like, “When did you stop beating your wife?” Some questions posed as yes or no questions, either answer gets the same result, when putting the question in context would clarify. But the form only lets you check a yes or no box. They do this to make you think what they want you to think, so as to affect your actions if you’re liable to vote for their opposition. If you won’t vote for them, they want to keep you away from voting. And phony polls are effective, as a rule. But we’re “getting onto them,” so it doesn’t work as well as it used to. (American Liberty Report)

U. S. Regionalism

Does that account for the gun debate? That’s the question they’re asking at MSNBC. That’s to typical of those “brain-dead liberals,” I wonder why people look at their stuff at all. I can only point to the fact that some AMERICANS are as “brain dead” as they are. They simply want a “free ride” and they figure liberals are their best choice to make sure they get it. That’s why Obama got a second term. But what accounts for the gun debate? The wish from liberals to DISARM everybody except the cops. The ones they tell us can protect us, even though logic dictates that they can’t. And the cops are the first to admit that. They can only (usually) get there long after the crime has been committed, “write it up,” dispose of the body or bodies, and MAYBE catch the criminal, later. If SOMEBODY had had a gun and the will to use it were THERE when the crime was BEING committed, maybe it would be different. But don’t ask MSNBC. They’re as “brain-dead” as other liberals. (MSNBC)

It's Never Enough

Drip, drip, drip. Until they attain total gun control. Then the law breakers will take over because they will be the only ones with guns. Except for the cops, of course, but they’re minutes away, and some of them are law breakers.. Minutes during which an illegal gun holder can kill many people. Yes, background checks can help them find the law breakers, IF (and that’s a BIG if) the law breaker bought his gun legally and stood for one. Which almost all law breakers do not do. They’re law breakers, affter all. They don’t obey ANY laws, much less piddling little laws that say they can’t be armed when doing their dirty work. Places like Chicago have all the “anti-gun laws” already. And they have extremely high “gun crime” rates to go along with it. Those laws don’t work to do what they SAY they are supposed to do. But they WILL eventually do what the crooked politicians want them to do, and that is causing those self-same politicians to face fewer guns when they come to take your property. Every time a new law (are there any?) goes into effect, they say, “It’s a good start,” which means tomorrow they’ll want to pass yet another one, and so on the day after, and the day after… until the only people who have guns will be the cops and the law breakers. And some of the cops will also be law breakers. And they still won’t be satisfied. (Truth About Guns)

Monday, October 19, 2020

Total Liberal Stupdity

At the University of Minnesota they are now running a “12-Step Program On Recovering From Whiteness.” And people are actually taking that seriously. I can’t believe there are that many unbelievably stupid people in the world. This is all part of the liberal goal of CREATING racism against white people. Liberals are working hard to do that, and they’re succeeding among the ignorant of the country who believe the bulldung they’re being force fed by liberals about race. “Recover from whiteness?” You can’t “recover” from something you can’t change. Just as a black man can’t “recover from blackness,” somebody born white can’t “recover from whiteness.” Therapist Christina Combs created this incredibly stupid course and sold it to the university. She must be an excellent con artist if she got a once respected university to buy this bulldung. I, for one, am not ashamed to be a white man, and wouldn’t ever consider attending such stupidity as this program. I have too much respect for myself to succumb to such stupidity. What those university officials need is not a course on recovering from whiteness. They need to find a course somewhere on how to recover from stupidity. (Total Conservative)

"Fast & Furous" Update

The family of the Border Patrol Agent murdered by one of the guns Obama smuggled over the border to drug cartels in Mexico has had their suit for “wrongful death” thrown out of court (by the government, which is the only place they can turn) because they’ve “already been paid off” for his death. I bet that would make HIM happy if he weren’t dead. I wonder how happy the families of all the MEXICAN cops those guns have been used to murder are. Of course, Obama didn’t care about that because they’re “only Mexicans.” If any other president had been directly responsible for an American cop’s death by his ILLEGAL actions, he’d be in prison now. But not Obama. Nobody has the gonads to charge him. (Town Hall)

Again In London

In England, they have very stiff anti-gun laws. They don’t even let most of their COPS have guns, leading to extreme danger for those cops, as well as their citizens. Cops without guns lead to occurrences like that in France recently, where a bunch of unarmed cops could only cower behind their cars and watch while a couple of Islamic terrorists murdered a bunch of people at a satire newspaper for having the temerity to actually publish a PICTURE of “The Prophet.” And in London, “Knife crime” is on the rise, in response to their tight gun laws. Twice in my memory there have been “mass KNIFE attacks” on London Bridge. And the law breakers in London still get their guns, don’t get me wrong. They just get, and carry them ILLEGALLY. Law breakers are law breakers, after all. They don’t obey laws. That’s why they’re called law breakers. London is a perfect example of the failure of anti-gun laws, as is Chicago, which also has stiff anti-gun laws, and high rates of “gun crime.” But the anti-gun fools are not listening, which is why they’re called “fools.” The situation was resolved with, of course, a gun, as cops came, and these were armed, and shot the stabber. He died at the scene. (NBCNews)

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Pelosi's Coup Attempts

Somebody has got to “rein in” this bi...witch. She has spent the last four years running coup attempt after coup attempt in her zeal to unseat a legally elected president, trying to reverse the results of the 2016 election. First it was the “Russian collusion” false investigation, that failed so badly and led to the firing of James Comey, that rogue FBI Director. Then there was her ill-fated effort to impeach Trump that made her look so silly in the eyes of the nation. Then it was on to another scheme and another scheme, all of which failed badly. Her goal is so obvious, nobody can deny it (except her, of course). It is to unseat President Trump because he is getting closer and closer to her and her accomplices in his efforts to “drain the swamp,” as he has promised. Now she is trying futilely to use the 25th Amendment to unseat a completely healthy and able president. It’s one more effort at a coup, and she should be called to account for it. We’re all centered on Joe Biden’s senility, and we haven’t even talked about hers. This blow-hard woman is long past her “expiration date” and should be removed for cause, and prosecuted for treason. She is obsessed with removing Trump, and has spent the last three years in the attempt, ignoring her “day job” of being the “leader in the House.” This woman has “gone off the rails” and needs to be stopped before she does any more damage to this country. (Just Common sense)