Monday, July 11, 2016

"Why Use A Bomb?"

Monday morning quarterbacks are now questioning Dallas Police Chief Brown's authorizing the use of a BOMB attached to a robot to “take out” the sniper who had already killed five of his officers and wounded a bunch of others. He was well fortified, and any other method would have put more officers in deadly danger. Somebody who would TARGET cops and kill from ambush deserves to be “taken down” any way possible. He expected that he might be killed during his “shooting spree,” but planned on taking even more cops with him. Instead, that garage got a new paint job:what's left of the shooter. And it was well deserved. Dead is dead, and it really doesn't matter what method is used to take such a man down. This guy was a military trained attacker, and the cops were entitled to use whatever would end the attack while injuring or killing the fewest number of cops. She shooter became a new coat of paint. He deserved it. (Fusion)

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