Friday, July 29, 2016

DNC Rigs Primaries

There has been released EVIDENCE, not opinion or innuendo, that the Democrat Party RIGGED the primaries to make sure Hillary won, in spite of Bernie winning almost ALL the elections (or whatever they called them). “The Democrat Party has been exposed as a bunch of corrupt, power hungry people who will do ANYTHING to stay in power.” Is anybody surprised? I've been saying that forever. Well, not forever, maybe, but as long as I've been blogging. The world already knew this, but now it is PROVED, beyond a shadow of a doubt. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been forced to resign because of it. And I'd lay money on the fact that there will be more people in the DNC losing their jobs because of it. You can bet Bernie will be pushing it. He wants to be president, so HE can make this country into a “socialist Heaven,” and “go out with a bang.” The DNC has ALWAYS fitted that description. It's just that nobody's proved it before. (Conservative Tribune)

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