Friday, July 29, 2016

I Don't Understand

What the hell is there about Islam that makes such fools of so many American politicians, bureaucrats, and judges? Obama, for instance, has banned any reference, by his “minions” to Islamic terrorism. And he refuses to admit that Islamic terrorism, which is creating havoc in many countries, including Germany, which has suffered FOUR Muslim attacks in just one week, is a major threat, when it has become so obvious that it IS? Why whenever he is called upon to “rule” on a question that involves Muslims, he always “rules” in favor of the Muslims? Why is he appointing so many Muslims to his STAFF? And another thing. why are judges giving Muslims such huge “awards” in cases they shouldn't have won at all? One case comes to mind. where a bunch of Muslims hired on to deliver BEER, then refused to do so on religious basis. They KNEW they'd be delivering alcohol when they took the jobs. But when they got fired for refusing to do the job they hired on to do, they sued. And the ignorant judge gave them six-figure awards! Muslims are the easiest “offended” bunch in history. But politicians, bureaucrats—and businessmen always take their “being offended” seriously and “bend to their will.” Are we insane? Do we (not me) WANT to end up living under Sharia Law? I frankly don't understand this mindset. (Just common sense)

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