Thursday, July 28, 2016

No Flags for DNC!

There have been NO FLAGS on the floor of the Democrat National Convention, until Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump noted it. Then ONE small flag appeared. They called attention to THAT, and a few more will probably appear. That tells me a lot about the Democrat Party, and it's not good. It tells me they have no respect for America. And these people want to continue running things in America! If we let them, they will do irreparable damage (they've screwed up everything they touch, wherever they touch it). Damage from which we may not emerge intact. Maybe Trump isn't experienced as president, but neither is Hillary. With her, it has been proved. But Trump has the right inclinations, he's NOT a socialist, and he FIGHTS BACK when attacked. And I'm not talking just about hollering back when insulted. That same inclination applies to fighting Islamic terrorists—which is something we desperately need.(Daily Caller)

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