Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What's Dangerous About Trump?

The “Never Trumpers” keep saying, “Trump is dangerous” while never detailing WHY Trump is dangerous, because they can't. When asked, they give us generalities, but no specifics. Meanwhile, they're praising two SOCIALISTS, one of whom is a proven CRIMINAL, whose only promise is to give away YOUR property to those who don't deserve it. I should be saying, “I don't understand why people who have benefited from the free market (disparagingly called “capitalism” by liberals) hate it. And they push a system that has universally FAILED everywhere it has been tried (Notably the Soviet Union and Venezuela, currently). The only socialist systems that still survive are the ones that still have money and property LEFT after STEALING it from those who produced it. The dangerous ones in this election are those two socialists. And I CAN detail why. Why is because they propose to PUNISH achievement while stealing the profits of that achievement for the benefit of those who produce NOTHING. Bernie is an ADMITTED socialist, and Hillary DENIES it while proposing socialist measures. And they say Trump is dangerous, since he promises to take away SOME of those unearned perks. (Just common sense)

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