Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Living In A Dream World

Gun-grabbers think if they can just “get rid of all the guns,” the world would be a safer place, and they could eliminate “gun crime.” In the first place, there is NO WAY they will EVER “get rid of all guns.” There will ALWAYS be guns in the hands of CRIMINALS, who don't obey laws or “rules.” So even if they “confiscated” (stole) all legal guns, there would still be plenty of guns left, all in the hands of the very criminals who DO the “gun crime.” They think ALL guns should be in the hands of cops and government agents, and that will be a utopia. What it would BE is a DICTATORSHIP, where the guys who HAVE the guns give orders to the ones who don't, and the ones who don't have no way of objecting. Meanwhile the criminals (along with the ones with badges) will; be “going wild” taking advantage of the fact that NOBODY has a gun, with which to oppose them. They SAY their goal is to “stop gun crime.” But really, it is to make SELF-DEFENSE illegal and INCREASE gun crime for the politicians.. (Just common sense)

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