Thursday, October 10, 2013

Blaming the Founders

Not satisfied with showing his ignorance otherwise, Professor Peter Singer, at Princeton University, wrote an article for "Project Syndicate” in which he blames the “Founding Fathers” for the current shutdown. He says they made a “fatal flaw” in writing the Constitution, and that was the “separation of powers.” The Congress sets the budget and its ability to borrow but cannot remove a president or Cabinet Members. He may be right in blaming them, but for the wrong reasons. They CAN remove a president AND his Cabinet Members by impeaching him and having the new president fire each and every one of them (each one is required to resign when a new president is elected). The mistake they made was in not providing an AUTOMATIC penalty for ANY politician who violates the Constitution in word, or deed, therefore not requiring someone with gonads to file charges on his/her own and suffer the consequences, politically or physically. The separation of powers was the best thing they did in the Constitution. But it did not get rid of the CAUSE of all our trouble, Barack Hussein Obama, the Kenyan-born criminal who conned his way into the presidency and is out to loot this nation for all it has. (Money News)


Ray Thomas said...

Anon: and there are way too many morons out there.

Anonymous said...

Certainly true. It seems the US is over run with morons now, which is why we have obama for president.