Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How It Works

You go to Obama’s “sign up” web site for his health care swindle and you have to give them all kinds of personal information, including your social Security number and your credit or debit card numbers before you can even LOOK at the plans available! One woman did that and found that the plan she thought might work for her family would cost more than $900 a month (which is more than I get TOTAL from Social Security) so she didn’t sign up and left the site. Soon she got a “thank you” from that company for “signing up” and was told the “fee” would be deducted from her account monthly. She told them she did NOT sign up and didn’t want it. They told her she could NOT cancel and she was stuck with it whether or not she DID sign up. This is how Obamacare works. What part of “can’t afford it” don’t they understand? Don't go there! You'll be ripped off! (Just common sense)

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