Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"The Cart Before the Horse"

What people going to Obama’s web site MUST go through to get their REQUIRED health care insurance are finding that they MUST give personal and private information IN FULL, including Social Security numbers, birth dates, bank numbers, credit and debit card numbers, and such BEFORE they can even ASK about what is available. This is so the government can “lock them in” to any program the government wishes, at will, usually the one they ASK about. If they but ASK about a program this web site “signs them up” for that plan and will not let them refuse it. That is definitely “putting the cart before the horse.” They DO NOT need, nor are they ENTITLED to that information BEFORE the person actually “signs up” for a program and it is unseemly to DEMAND that information, just to allow them to view the programs available. They should not be REQUIRED to provide that information BEFORE finding out what's available. This is unconscionable and is simply “phishing.”  (Just common sense)

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