Sunday, May 5, 2013

Surprise! The Sun will Rise Tomorrow!

The reports on the NRA convention, noting that the new president (James Porter, attorney and son of a former NRA president) “came out swinging” and “fanned the flames of an emotionally combustible debate.” The article says that, “The NRA finds itself in a national fight over gun control in Washington, DC.” Oh, Really? Isn’t that something they have been in the middle of for years? Isn’t that their JOB? The article reports that, “Porter has called Obama a ‘fake president” and AG Holder as ‘un-American’.” As if he were wrong. Clue, people: he’s RIGHT. Yes, he also calls the Revolutionary War “the war of northern aggression,” which shows he’s a “southerner.” So what? You can’t be right on everything, but two out of three isn’t bad. He called for training every American in the use of standard military firearms so they could defend themselves, even against an “out-of-control government,” which we are rapidly gaining. I’m happy to see the NRA realizing that the right to own guns is NOT just about hunting and shooting sports. It’s MOSTLY about SELF-DEFENSE, even from the GOVERNMENT, if necessary.

That’s not a radical position; it’s merely COMMON SENSE. It’s only radical to liberal FOOLS who think we can achieve self-defense by DISARMING ourselves in the face of an ARMED enemy. Josh Horwiz, a top “anti-gun freak,” says, “Porter as president pulls the NRA further into the extremist camp and they have gone full crazy.” This from Horwitz is a high compliment (he didn't intend it that way). It shows how much Porter frightens him and other anti-gun Nazis. I’d say Porter is a good choice. People thought Keene was a weak president. They are right, and his policies caused me to move AWAY from the NRA. Now, maybe I can support the NRA again if Porter's policies live up to the billings.  (


Anonymous said...

The NRA and all of its Members have always known that the 2nd Amendment is about defending this country from enemies, both foreign and domestic. That is not a new concept for the NRA. It is the sleeping libtards who do not know what the 2nd Amendment is about.

Additionally, when the NRA was founded it was in conjunction with the military and We The People were invaluable to our military in testing and using guns and suggesting improvements. We The People helped develop and improve our firearms. It is an American tradition. We have always been an integral part of gun manufacture and use and closely connected with our military. After all, who IS the military? IT'S US - - WE THE PEOPLE!

Most people think the NRA is a recently formed group, but it has been in existence since November 17, 1871. Most people think the NRA is "just a club for gun nuts" or is "just a lobby", but it is a serious organization supporting the defense of this Republic and our Constitution and has worked closely with our military since its founding. It has been hugely effective in helping to maintain a well trained militia with all of its training classes for private citizens. Our military has noted that it takes more than twice as long for the military to train a recruit who has not grown up with guns to handle firearms effectively than it does to train recruits who have. It therefore costs a lot more time and money to train the newbies. It takes a long time to become comfortable with handling guns, and military personnel need to know how to handle multiple types of guns. Americans have always been very good at that, which is why our military is so superior against the recruits from foreign countries where the populous is banned from owning guns. We are so familiar with guns that we can pick up most any gun and know how it operates, which would save your life grabbing up a gun from the field and turning and immediately firing it to protect yourself.

We do not need a Department of Homeland Security. We already have one and have always had one: It is We The People. After Pearl Harbor a Japanese general commented that the only reason they did not attack the US mainland is because they "knew there would be a gun behind every blade of grass". He was right about that, and it is even more right today. The Japanese were well aware that we had a Department of Homeland Security back then and that it was ARMED.

We are unique in all the world in this respect. We The People are armed and will defend our Republic even from a rogue government. We own guns and know how to use them. We have defended our country in the past, even before it was officially a Republic, and WILL do it again.

The US government serves at the pleasure of We The People and not the other way around. We The People installed it when the States ratified the Constitution. It is time we took back our Republic.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I think this article "hit a hot button" with you, and you're right. I just wish every comment I get was as cogent and factual as was yours.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. The obama attack on the 2nd Amendment is very serious. The 2nd Amendment supports the entire Constitution and this Republic. obama and his ilk must be stopped.