Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Murder At the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court MURDERS countless people every day. Chiefly unborn infants who never get a chance at life. How many potential Einsteins were murdered while still in the womb? How many potential GENIUSES will never get a chance to make our lives better? What if Bill Gates had been aborted? I know; many people think that would be a good thing, but that’s just jealousy. Maybe he didn’t INVENT the Internet, but he brought it all together and made it work. What if your mother had aborted YOU?  People say abortion is about “woman’s right to choose what is done with her own body.” Why then, do we not legalize prostitution? That IS about a woman’s right to sell her body if she wishes. Abortion is about ENDING A LIFE. The LIFE of her baby. Where is there concern for that BABY’S rights? The concern for a woman’s rights END when she wants to MURDER her progeny rather than use a rubber when she has sex. Yes, I realize there ARE sometimes reasons where abortion is best to save a life. But it should NEVER be used in place of contraception. There are too many better answers that don’t involve MURDER. A baby is alive as soon as his/her heart starts beating. (Just common sense)

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