Monday, May 27, 2013

"End the Perpetual War"

Obama talks about the “perpetual war” against Islamic terrorism and how he wants to end it. But he’s going about it the wrong way (as most liberals always do. They talk about the “gun violence” and spend all their time taking guns out of the hands of honest people so they can’t defend themselves. They talk about ”the nuclear danger” then make more efforts to reduce OUR nuclear arsenal than make efforts to deter other nations (with not-so-responsible governments) from ever getting nuclear weapons. Now to “end the perpetual war on terrorism,” he wants to do things that are interpreted by Islamics as SURRENDER. Anybody can surrender. Just stop fighting and let the enemy kill you. And it looks very much as if Obama is doing just that with his “draw-downs” in Iraq and Afghanistan while Islamic terrorists continue to harass and murder the populace; with his constant reductions in the budgets of our own military while the Muslim terrorists devote more and more money and energy to killing those who do not believe EXACTLY the same way THEY do. Now Obama's people want to repeal the law that ALLOWED the "war on terror" in the first place. (New York Times)


Anonymous said...

All is going according to plan. If we do not remove obama from office, he will succeed in destroying this country.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: That's pretty much what I've been saying.