Sunday, May 19, 2013

Cyprus To Steal People's Money?

What would you call it if your neighbor found a way to reach into your bank account and withdraw 40% of the money there to use for his own purposes? THIEF? Criminal? How about when the bank itself, backed by the GOVERNMENT did it to pay their own bills? Tax? THIEVERY? That’s right. They’re THIEVES. And they were REQUIRED to do it by the European Union in order for them to “bail them out” from their own FINANCIAL INCOMPETENCE. I’m sure Obama is keeping close track of this  financial trick and plans to use it in the future in America to “bail us out” from HIS FINANCIAL INCOMPETENCE. If people are smart, they’ll put their money where Obama can’t reach out and STEAL it, for I’m sure he is going to do so. (Legal Insurrection)


Anonymous said...

Where would we keep it, though? I have often thought of pulling my money out of retirement plans before obama does, but where would I put it?

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Don't put it in banks in US where Obama and his "gang of thieves" can steal it. Look for other places.

Anonymous said...

Corporations who put their money in European banks have had their money stolen from their accounts to pay for that government's mistakes. So where is really safe?

Anonymous said...

Maybe so, which means I need my 2nd Amendment rights even more!