Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Replace Your Car With Public Transportation

That’s what Obama wants. That’s what liberals want. They hate anything that speaks of individuality and individual rights. They also want you to replace your house with an apartment, and live  “cheek and jowl” to a lot of other people. Never mind that having your own car and your own house lowers the incidence of robberies and other violent crimes while reducing the cost and time required to get where you want to be. I’m 74 and have never been violently attacked because I don’t use buses or subways. So when the “bad guys” look for victims on pubic transportation, I’m not there. Obama can “go to hell.” I’m not ever going to use public transportation except maybe for a short time while my car might be being fixed. It’ll never happen; not even if Obama BANS private cars in favor of public transportation. I’ll keep driving my private car until they imprison me for it. (Just common sense)


Anonymous said...

There is no way I will take public transportation and expose myself to violence. Others have said we should all ride public transportation and my first thought has always been that I would not leave myself open to attack like that. further, I would have to conduct my life on the public transportation schedules. What if I have to work late? I miss the bus. Then what? Stand around in the dark waiting for the next bus? I don't think so. This is more alinsky crap on obama's part, herding us into the cities and trying to rid of of our cars and thus more of our independence. obama can suck it!

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: The big problem with depending on someone else is that you have to do it on THEIR schedule. Liberals WANT you to depend on them so they can run your life. They don't CARE about such things as being attacked on public transportation. They want you to live "cheek by jowl" with others, too, in apartments. rather than your own house.

Anonymous said...

Well, my mamma didn't raise any dependent kids!

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Sounds like it.