Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Who Is Bin Laden?

“Who IS this bin Laden character, anyway? That’s the question being asked by many teenagers today after we finally managed to find him and kill him (according to Obama). This makes it obvious that their education is sadly lacking in knowledge of names involved in recent (to us oldsters) events. People who have blocked teachers from mentioning Osama’s name are not to blame, it’s the “administrators” who will not allow them to do so. And they are given their “marching orders” by the NEA (National Education Association), or teacher’s union, which controls everything taught in our public schools. This is done so these kids are easier to control as they grow up, since they know nothing about important things in history. Additionally, our government, and even their liberal press have kept this knowledge out of the news because it was "too disturbing." what a load of stinky brown stuff! It should have been kept in the front of our minds to keep people from forgetting it or not even KNOWING about it. Did we hide The Alamo from America? How about Pearl Harbor? What WIMPS this government and it's press must think we are! (The Blaze)

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