Saturday, May 21, 2011

Is Today "Judgment Day?"

That’s what many Christians say. That today is the “Day of the Rapture.” The day all those who have met God’s terms “rise up” and “meet God in the sky.” I have a sure way to tell if that’s true. My wife will no longer be here tomorrow if so, because if ANYBODY is going to “rise up and meet God in the sky,” it’s her. She’s been trying for many years to convince me that her religious views are true, but with no results. Yes, I believe in a “supreme being” that orders this universe. I would be a fool not to do so. It’s too well put together and complicated. But my idea of what this power is , may be a lot different from that of anybody else. The idea that it came from the execution of a Jew way back when is one of the hardest stories to believe, though I did believe it in my younger (and more gullible) days. The whole concept of such a being caring a whit whether or not I believed in him/her/it or worshiped him/her/it is, to my mind, ludicrous. Such a powerful being wouldn’t care about such things.

He/she/it wouldn’t even be aware of my existence as a single entity. The idea that such an entity wanted his people to KILL "unbelievers," as in the Muslim religion, is even more ludicrous. Further, the promise of “72 virgins” with which a man can have sex for all eternity without making them into non-virgins if he dies killing an “unbeliever” is laughable. There are aspects of other religions that are just as laughable and unbelievable, and they strike me as merely man’s efforts to control his fellow man, while collecting the money to do so from him. If my wife is gone tomorrow and bad things (more than usual) start happening, I might change my mind. But that’s not likely. People have attempted to predict a specific date for the end of the world before, without success (even the Bible says it's impossible). If they turn out to be right this time, it won’t matter to me. I’ll be dead. Please don’t write me in protest at this post unless you have arguments that don’t require FAITH on my part for me to accept. Besides, if you're a "believer," you won't be here to write me. You'll be up in the sky talking to God. Notice that the people pushing this idea still want your donations. What for? (The Blaze)


Anonymous said...

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! Hilarious post! And oh so true. The Divine Source does not "mess" with us. IT has given us free-will choice, which includes the choice to really screw up our lives, and IT certainly would not go against the free-will It has given. You are right. ALL religions are MAN-MADE - - actually created by men, which is why "god" has human traits (very masculine and martial) and is always smitting somebody because that is what humans do. Religion is the major cause of war and death in the world. The Divine Source also does not want us bowing and groveling before IT because we, ourselves, are sparks of the Divine Light! We are made of God! It would be like bowing to ourselves, and that would be stupid. Of course, there are a lot of stupid people on this planet. That's how obama got elected. But I digress. I cannot believe the stupidity of people who gave away their money to churches before the "end of the world". People need to wake up, smell the coffee burning, and realize their own personal responsibility!

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I wondered about that. why would an organization that thinks all its members will "fly up in the sky" tomorrow want us to send money?

Anonymous said...

Well, you have to follow christian thought (at least what those in charge of christian thought teach their followers). The reason is that last moment gift to the church saves their souls. Religion is very convoluted and full of loopholes, all of which fills the coffers of the church. Now. Do you think we will be hearing that those churches gave back the money????? Are you holding your breath????

Maybe those so-called leaders of the church think that with the money they can buy off God, or St. Peter, and bribe their way into "heaven".