Sunday, May 15, 2011

Did We "Overreact to 9/11?"

How is it POSSIBLE to “overreact” to 9/11 and the wanton MURDER of 3,000 INNOCENT people? But liberal Lawrence O’Donnel (who runs a program called "Rewrite," which attempts to rewrite history) thinks so. “Like many folks on both sides of the aisle, Mr. O‘Donnell wants to find a way to associate the ’good news‘ part of Bin Laden’s death with his political party of choice while also managing to lay blame for any bad elements of this event on the opposition. Supporters of GITMO and the enhanced interrogation techniques like waterboarding are proudly stating, we would still be looking for OBL were it not for these tools of war (not crime).

CIA Chief Leon Panetta admitted that information from Waterboarding helped in locating bin Laden.” And they ARE “tools of war.” Not to be used on common criminals, which people like O’Donnell want us to think people like Osama are. They are NOT. They are “combatants” in a “war” declared on us by Osama bin Laden and should be subject to whatever methods we must use to gain important information that can save lives. “Reading them their rights” on the battlefield is insane, and will lead to the death of many soldiers who try while others have them in their sights. (The Blaze)


Anonymous said...

wow, what a very ignorant article, if you can call it that.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I don't know if you're talking about what I wrote, or the articles you linked to. But I agree the first one is ignorant. The writer doesn't know anything more than Senator McCain does, and he got it from liberal sources.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it is not at all clear what the other 'Anonymous' meant. Maybe he can clarify.