Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Was Osama Shot In the Back of the Head?

That’s what some in the liberal media are asking. Frankly, I don’t care. He might have been running away from the soldiers who broke into his room. I don’t care if he was shot in the butt, or had his neck wrung as long as he’s dead. Osama was not a human being. He was worse than an animal, whose only goal in living is to murder ANYBODY who does not believe exactly the same way he does. He has convinced many ignorant Muslims that if they die killing “Infidels,” they will go to “Paradise” and be able to have sex with 72 virgins for all of eternity (though how they remain virgins is “above my pay grade.”). The normal laws do not apply to him. The longer he lived, the more people die at his hands, or at the hands of his “believers.” Now he’s dead, only his “believers” will be able to kill innocent people. (KJRH Channel 2)


Anonymous said...

"...if they die killing “Infidels,” they will go to “Paradise” and be able to have sex with 72 virgins for all of eternity..."

That believe alone says a lot about how low and base their whole belief system is. VERY low evolution.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Absolutely.