Thursday, May 26, 2011

Too Smart For Us To Understand

That’s how the liberals want us to think of Obama when he tries to convince us of how his ideas to scam us out of more money while infringing on more of our rights and fails to do so. They tell us he’s “so smart” the “average American” just isn’t smart enough to understand him. What a monumental ego that must require! In reality, Obama isn’t really very smart. He’s good at reading a teleprompter and making it sound like it’s his ideas, but that’s all. When he tries to say anything without one, he hems and haws endlessly. I’ve got a tape of him hemming and hawing for thirty minutes straight, without a single repeat. Frankly, if he were really that smart, conveying his ideas to us would be easy. He could figure out how, easily. He isn't smart enough. (News Busters)

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