Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hundreds of Waivers

If Obama’s health care swindle is so good, why are so many people and organizations asking for, and GETTING waivers so they can stay in business? One-third of them are given to his union friends, although unions only represent 7% of the private work force. Does anybody see a pattern developing here? Obama is trying to “keep the lid on” until after the election, so people will not understand the awesome disaster this law will be. Just as liberals did with the Citizen’s Reinvestment Act of 1976, which forced lenders to loan money to people they KNEW couldn’t repay it on pain of “investigations,” which could cost them billions to defend, even if there is no basis for it. Many people are “waking up” to this con man’s activities, and I sincerely hope it is enough to get rid of this criminal swindler so he doesn’t have four more years to loot this nation. (Tom Lewis)


Anonymous said...

I certainly hope enough people have awakened to get rid of that obamanation. I have a friend who was all ga-ga over him during the elections. Now she is saying to me, "You were right about him."

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I had a lady friend who told me not to say anything bad about Obama because she liked him. I haven't asked her lately, but I wonder how she feels now.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I bet she has totally changed her tune. If my friend has done this turn-around on obama, I bet your friend has as well. I have another friend who was also ga-ga over him and she has also changed her tune.

This second friend is the one who admittedly never watches the news or reads about it because "it's depressing". But suddenly, never having watched the news or read it, she was positive that obama was our savior.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Probably not. This is the same woman who owns the car on which there are two bumper stickers: one pushing "free speech" and the other promoting getting rid of fox News. That kind of person doesn't change her mind based on facts. She's a nice lady and I like her (from afar). I just don't discuss politics with her.

Anonymous said...

"This is the same woman who owns the car on which there are two bumper stickers: one pushing "free speech" and the other promoting getting rid of fox News."

LOL. An obvious double-standard there that she does not notice. Free speech for her, and the rest of us can shut up.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: That's typical liberal. They're all for "free speech" as long as it agrees with them.

Anonymous said...

And she already told you to shut up about Obama, all the while sporting a free speech bumber sticker.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Like I said: typical liberal.