Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Is Obama "Big Brother?"

In George Orwell’s prophetic book, “1984,’ the country was run by “Big Brother,” whose picture appeared everywhere and everybody loved him. If they didn’t, they were “re-educated.” The story’s “hero” worked for the “Ministry of Information” and his job was to change history to reflect the current thinking of “Big Brother" and the ever-changing alliances he espoused. Every television set contained a camera that spied on you. What happened in this book is eerily similar to what's happening in this country today. Is Obama becoming “Big Brother? I notice his face appears everywhere. So much so I’m getting sick of it. The news media is “in the bag” for him, only printing (for the most part) what HE wants us to think, even if they know we know otherwise, using Hitler’s “big lie” technique of repeating the same lie over and over until it becomes truth and people will fight you if you try and tell them the real truth. This is the danger we’re in. We must fight it. (“1984”)


Unknown said...

The book is '1984' not '1884'. ;) Funny typo.

That said, I feel more 'Animal Farm' than 'Big Brother' happening. "Four legs good, two legs baaaaad."
He's stepped up the tactics, too. http://www.examiner.com/x-20147-Schuylkill-County-Independent-Examiner~y2009m8d19-Congress-demands-employee-information-from-health-insurance-companies

Ray Thomas said...

Nola: Sorry about that. I missed it. Did you see the next post? I'm correcting this one. Thanks.