Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Do As We Say

Not as we do. That’s the message being sent by Congress after the House (led by Nancy Pelosi) approves a $250 million dollar purchase of three (count ‘em) THREE Gulfstream personal aircraft for the exclusive use of Congress (two of ‘em, anyway). This after giving auto CEOs hell for coming to Washington in their own private planes. They SAY their “excuse” was that is was “cost effective” to come in private planes, and it was. But Congress didn’t buy it. Now Congress says traveling around in THEIR private planes is “cost effective.” Which is it? Cost effective, or not? I guess it’s only “cost effective” when people in congress do it. They’re “American royalty,” you know. It would be “below their station” to fly on regular commercial airlines. (Update: That number went up to EIGHT before they "chickened out" and canceled the whole thing.) (Roll Call)

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