Saturday, August 22, 2009

He'll Pass It Anyway

Obama doesn’t care that a majority of Americans want NO PART of his health care swindle. He hopes to pass it into law and IMPOSE it on us, anyway. Americans are “getting wise” to him and ALL his scams and swindles. It’s not just conservatives who today oppose him. Democrats and other liberals, too, are violently opposed to his attempted takeover of 1/7 (1/6?) of the American economy, even while we have no money left from his other scams to pay for it. Clinton tried it, and failed. But the liberals never learn. THEY want it, And they’re determined to impose it on us, come hell or high water. I have high hopes that America will AGAIN reject this unneeded theft of rights and money. They’ll be back again later. Liberals never give up. Defeat them a hundred times and they’ll be back next year with try 101. They hope they can “wear us down.” And they might be right. They might never get tired of trying to victimize us, but we might get tired of fighting them off. I hope I’m “six feet under” before that happens. They show their CONTEMPT for the people who elected them when they say the opposition they’re facing is “just noise” and “not representative of the American people.” They’re wrong, and the next election may well show them they are. They call the truth we tell "misinformation," but the only misinformation out there originated in Obama's office. (American Spectator)

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