Saturday, August 8, 2009

"I've Saved the Economy"

What? Unemployment is still at 9.4% and Obama SAYS he’s “saved the economy?” What is this jerk SMOKING? The only reason the unemployment numbers didn’t go up as FAR As everybody thought is because a lot of people whose unemployment insurance has run out and have just “given up” and are no longer looking for a job. We’ve still lost 240,000 jobs this month. These numbers only reflect those who are still looking and collecting unemployment. Leave it to Obama to claim “victory” from the slightest improvement in numbers, no matter what the cause. And leave it to his “captive press” to tout it, true or not. That’s all I’ve been hearing when I couldn’t avoid it lately. How “this is a sign things are going to get better.” I wonder how they’re going to spin it when the numbers go the other way. (Rush Limbaugh)

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