Saturday, August 8, 2009

Profit Is NOT "Bad"

I’m constantly hearing liberals (and some conservatives) say “profit is bad.” That idea has even filtered over to the supposedly “conservative-leaning” Fox News. I HEARD a Fox News anchor say it. But profit is NOT “bad.” It’s NECESSARY for this economy to work. Without profit, nobody gets paid. Nobody can buy groceries, new (or old) cars, homes, or ANYTHING. If the companies they work for don’t make a profit, they don’t get paid. When somebody starts a business, his/her ultimate goal (no matter what kind of a business it is) is to make a PROFIT. When Obama (the chief profit-hater) gave BILLIONS of dollars to large companies to “bail them out,” the major goal was for them to “return to PROFITABILITY.” If profit is so bad, why is that even necessary? without profit, all economies would crumble. When Obama gave away a BILLION dollars in his failed “cash for clunkers” program, the main goal was for car dealers to make a PROFIT. The next thing Obama will want to do is tax the auto dealers for their “excess profits.” Meaning HE wants “his cut.” (Reuters)

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