Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Obama Doesn't Understand Math

His pledge to make “the rich” pay for all his “flights of fancy” now, or soon to be law is bogus. There is NO WAY Obama can steal enough from “the rich” to pay for it. There isn’t enough money in the WORLD to pay for all he has promised, but he doesn’t understand this. He doesn’t even recognize that HE is AMONG the “rich” he wants to plunder, as are most of his friends. The idea of making “the rich” pay for all of his plans is as much of a lie as FDR told when he said the federal income tax would only be paid by the top 3% of the population. Today the IRS is auditing waitresses and cab drivers for their TIPS! Are they in the “top 3%? (News Busters/New York Times)

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