Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"Out of Context"

How do you take a complete statement “out of context?” I’ve seen the videos on Drudge and that’s possibly the few times Obama has told the truth, and he wishes the world would forget it. He said those things. He can’t deny it and saying it was “taken out of context” just doesn’t work. Obama WANTS universal, single-payer health care. He has said it, and he meant it, Unlike what he says now, when he is being criticized for it. He wants the power to say, “just shut up and die” to “old folks” when they haven’t got long to live anyway, and he doesn’t want to pay for their care. “If it’s not going to do them much good for long.” But he’s afraid of what will happen if Drudge and the rest of the “alternative media” let the world know and he is pilloried by his own words. (Drudge Report/Breitbart)

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