Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's Sad

It’s definitely sad watching the con man we elected president (not me) destroy this country while fooling mostly everybody into thinking he’s “saving us” from the “economic slowdown.” Truth is, it is his friends that CAUSED the economic slowdown to get him elected, and to get many more liberal Democrats elected so he’d have a majority in Congress and be able to swindle us out of TRILLIONS of dollars. And that’s exactly what he has done. He has spent more money in the first few months of his “administration” to buy the votes of more ill-informed people than we’ve spent on ANYTHING since this country began. He goes out “into the hinterlands” and lies outright, time and again, to con us into letting him spend more trillions while killing us off if he or his people feel we’re “useless to society.” He tells people he’s NOT doing what he plans to do. Then when he gets caught doing it, he says he didn’t do it. He calls the truthful statements made by his opponents “vicious rumors” and says he’s going to “refute them.” Then he simply says they’re rumors without providing any sort of proof and expects us to believe it. Many people do, because they only look at the headlines in his “state-run media” once in a while, and he and his cohorts see to it that the headlines say what he wants them to say. It’s enough to make somebody who DOES pay attention want to barf on his socks. (Just common sense)

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