Thursday, August 20, 2009

Why Not Just Show It?

When the first glimmerings of a controversy over whether or not Obama was born in this country came about, I wasn’t interested. I thought it was just some “far-right” “conspiracy theory” and not worth my time and effort to investigate. “Far-righters” are just as bad as “far-lefters” when it comes to creating controversies where none exist. But when Obama continued to refuse to release his REAL birth certificate, instead releasing a phony document he SAID was a birth certificate but was really not, and sued to prevent the release of his REAL birth certificate, my “hackles” went up. I wondered just WHY he didn’t want to release his real birth certificate. Is there something in there that would ruin his plans? What? Why? Obama could “put this to rest” easily by simply releasing the “real McCoy.” But he won’t. The smell of fish is very strong here. The left itself is pushing this thing, while ridiculing those who want it to happen. (NY Daily News)

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