Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Clinton Visits Kim

Why? Clinton is no longer president. He doesn’t even hold a government job any more. He’s a private citizen! What if I went to visit Kim? Even if I could get in the door, I’d be punished by my own government for doing it. Of course, if I DID get within reach of this “tin-pot dictator,” I’d probably slap him silly and die for my efforts. Clinton says he was “delivering a message from Obama,” and went there to try and “win” the release of two newswomen they’re holding for ransom (He succeeded. Kim "pardoned" them.). In N. Korea, they still call him “Great Leader,” but I call him a jerk. The very idea of Bill Clinton, a former president, meeting Kim on his own “turf” raises Kim to a new level politically, and Kim probably provided Clinton with a female body for his bed that night (he knows what moves Clinton). Kim just isn’t worth attention from even a disgraced former American president. He’s loving it! (Yahoo News/AP)

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