Friday, March 27, 2009

Whipping Up Anger

"Obama is bringing back amnesty for illegal aliens. This issue irritates and agitates people across party lines. You throw in the fact that President Obama is encouraging these people to join unions (and card check), along with rising gas prices, and you're creating a powder keg." (Rush Limbaugh) Obama is working hard to whip up anger, mostly against private enterprise. This is how he intends to destroy our capitalist society. That is his basic goal. Creating a socialist society in the last bastion (mostly) of the capitalist. His “vendetta” against AIG is an example. I just mentioned it to my insurance agent and got a tirade against AIG (which showed her ignorance) when they are the VICTIMS in this piece. They gave a miniscule percentage of what Obama gave them to their employees for good performance (bonuses that were EARNED and specifically APPROVED in Obama’s trillion dollar "stimulus" swindle law), which is just good business; and the entire government went ballistic, even making a doubly unconstitutional law to tax those bonuses 90%! This government is OUT OF CONTROL and I’m very afraid Obama is going to underestimate the American people and cause a rebellion against his “rule.” I’m certainly mad enough at his criminal actions to stay away from criticizing anyone who did it (although I’m too old and bent up to participate). I think Obama underestimates the resolve of the American people, just as King George did; and he may get a similar result. (Just common sense)

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