Saturday, March 21, 2009

Torch and Pitchfork Politics

The law they passed in the House the other day to put a 90% tax on AIG bonuses (which were APPROVED in the recent “stimulus swindle” law) is both a “bill of attainder” AND an “ex post facto (retroactive)” act that, if passed by the Senate and signed into law by our irresponsible president ought to be “prima facie evidence” in an attempt to REMOVE everybody who voted for it AND the president who signed it from office. The image that came into my mind when I heard them approve this act in the House was one of “townsfolk” with burning torches, carrying pitchforks toward the victim(s) of their ire. These criminals ought to be in PRISON, not running this country without caring about the Constitution OR the “rule of law. These people are OUT OF CONTROL and need to be STOPPED, at all costs. It’s no longer a president moving us closer to socialism. It is now an entire GOVERNMENT “shredding the Constitution.” They’ve been “nibbling at it since it was signed. But this bill, if it becomes law, will SHRED the Constitution. Does anybody care? (IBD Editorials)

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